Republic of Ireland 1-2 Scotland


Tue 30th May 2000

Lansdowne Road, Dublin (A)
Att: 30,213




N Sullivan
C Burley
G Naysmith (I Durrant 89)
B O`Neil
M Elliott
C Dailly
B Ferguson (C Cameron 84)
P Lambert(C) (A Johnston 75)
B Dodds (K Gallacher 46)
D Hutchison
N McCann (S Pressley 90)


Craig Brown


FIFA Ranking: 24

Republic of Ireland


A Kelly
S Carr
K Kilbane
P Babb
G Breen (D Foley 77)
J McAteer
S McPhail (D Duff 61)
S Finnan
M Kennedy (T Phelan 61)
Robbie Keane
N Quinn (R Dunne 77)


FIFA Ranking: 39

Key: Goals Missed Penalty Red Card

1 Neil Sullivan (Wimbledon) (16 Caps) Age: 30
2 Christian Dailly (Blackburn Rovers) (23 Caps) Age: 26
3 Gary Naysmith (Hearts) (1 Cap) Age: 20
4 Paul Lambert (Celtic) Captain (24 Caps) Age: 30
5 Matt Elliott (Leicester City) (9 Caps) Age: 31
6 Barry Ferguson (Rangers) (7 Caps) Age: 22
7 Billy Dodds (Rangers) (18 Caps) Age: 31
8 Brian O`Neil (Wolfsburg) (5 Caps) Age: 27
9 Neil McCann (Rangers) (8 Caps) Age: 25
10 Don Hutchison (Everton) (10 Caps) Age: 29
11 Craig Burley (Derby County) (38 Caps) Age: 28
13 Steven Pressley (Hearts) (2 Caps) Age: 26
(Replaced Neil McCann 90 min)
15 Iain Durrant (Kilmarnock) (20 Caps) Age: 33
(Replaced Gary Naysmith 89 min)
16 Colin Cameron (Hearts) (5 Caps) Age: 27
(Replaced Barry Ferguson 84 min)
17 Kevin Gallacher (Newcastle Utd) (49 Caps) Age: 33
(Replaced Billy Dodds 46 min)
18 Allan Johnston (Sunderland) (9 Caps) Age: 26
(Replaced Paul Lambert 75 min)
 Yellow Card   Red Card   Double Booking   Goals Scored
 Penalty Save
Neil Sullivan
Brian O`Neil
Matt Elliott
Christian Dailly
Craig Burley
Barry Ferguson
Paul Lambert
Gary Naysmith
Don Hutchison
Billy Dodds
Neil McCann

18 Allan Johnston


Tue 30th May 2000

Lansdowne Road, Dublin (A)
Att: 30,213